FT-Financial Times

FT-Financial Times

Financial Times World leading Business News The Challenge Tony Davis was approached to explore the possibility of creating designs using the Financial Times (FT) brand. The brand already had logo-stamped products for sale on demand. The company wanted to create the possibility of designs which has the same resonance as the Penguin Designs project. The main challenges were in identifying a ‘more-than-just-logo’ approach which had life beyond one-off, short-run, commissioned products. The FT is owned by Pearson. About Financial Times: For more about FT look here.  Project Overview & Solutions Wealth consists not in having great possessions, but in having few wants - Epictetus There were a number of meetings about design approaches with John Ridding and Caroline Halliwell (Director of Brand and B2B Marketing). Colour, Logo, typography were all unique potentials for designed ranges. It was less clear whether the actual published output (stories, headlines etc – which tended to be quite serious) could be adapted even though this was a rich source of material. The main focus for prototyping was in typography, quotes on subject matter (economics, money etc) and layout designs for simple, stylish objects.  Whilst the project was only consultative it was nonetheless an exercise in exploring a challenging subject area via one of the world’s global brands whilst still maintaining a fitness-for-purpose ethos. Website: N/A Distribution: None Availability: None of the designs were adopted or produced. Contact us if you have any comments about the work. Design Ideas which stayed as protoypes If you are truly innovating, you don't have a prototype you can refer to - Jonathan Ive Other Projects All life is an experiment. The...